Little bit about me first...
My name is Casey Hall. I have a wife and 3 boys, I am a christian rough neck. I was in the trades for 10+ years. I had a few friends who had their own rig welding trucks, one thing led to another and I ended up spending about 5 years on the road as an industrial combo welder. Traveling from jobsite to jobsite

Then I found a local welding job that paid well enough to keep me off the road all the way up till the whole world was shaken by Covid-19 which led to another experience I though I left in my past. LAYOFF... 

I've always been a grease covered, back hurtin, sunburned kind of worker myself so when God presented me a different opportunity to try something way outside my normal. I took the chance. Now I help my fellow tradesmen each and every day to better their future and their family's futures. 

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